An incredible opportunity came our way during a trip to Korea!

The calm of earlier is beginning to fade as excitement replaces it. Eager fans are brought by groups into a roped area. They are very polite and listen attentively as the ushers explain the instructions to the crowd.
We are given a special spot next to the host's area next to the cameraman and are able to watch from just a few feet away. As the countdown begins to live broadcast, the air electrifies and it seems the crowd takes in a breath in unison and holds it quietly through the countdown. You can't help but to be swept up in it.

IU walks past us once again, this time pausing to stop, bow politely, and says, "thank you for coming". This is more amazing than anything we could have imagined just a few short hours earlier. 24 hours ago, we were just wondering where we were going to eat the next day. Now, we are special backstage guests of the show.
We were | |
Melodie Everson
photos by:
Anna Ward
...the two lucky girls from Blossom Petal Productions