They're Everywhere! See how many you can find around the web.
No need to turn your world on it's side to see the smiles!
^;^ and ^^ take care of that.
When something brings tears to your eyes
TT TT lets you cry, and -;- let's everyone know you are ANGRY!
Perhaps you just can't contain that giggle. Hangeul lettering will show the sound of your laughter.
ㅋㅋ (keke) or ㅎㅎ (hehe)
Short greetings and replies
ㅇㅇ yes
ㅂㅂ bye
ㅊㅋ congratulations
ㄱㄱ let's go
ㄴㄴ no
ㅎㅇ hi
ㅈㅇ sorry
감사감사 “thank you very much” shortens to ㄳㄳ
This is just a taste of what is out there. See if you can recognize any of these and more as you check out posts and comments!
I'll close with one of my favorites. ~~ is used with an expression of endearment in greeting someone or signing off, so...
~~ 안녕히계세요
(add to the list in the comments)
by Melodie Everson, International Journalist & HUGE Hallyu fan, founder of To: Hallyu, with Love
**Hangeul vs. Hangul debate... That is another story for another day.